Interesting links

We have collected interesting links on this page, e.g. from some travel reports. We are always happy for every contribution and the great pictures that our guests write in the various Angel forums.

You will also find links here that we think might be of interest to our guests.

Proformance Studios

it’s not the camera

but who is behind it.

In the age of digital cameras and smartphones, which have ever sharper images and even better quality, apps and filters that alienate photos and create a “wow effect” for a short time, there are still those who perfect photos before they are taken.

Yeti Facelift, Interresante Links

leads and fishing tackle

Inexpensive fishing accessories and great service are guaranteed at Justus. There are many fishing shops ……. and there is Justus.

rutenring-de, Interresante Links


Ferries to Norway, Sweden and Finland

These Scandinavia ferries take you safely and comfortably to Kristiansand, Larvik, Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen, Hirtshals, Langesund, Frederikshavn, Helsinki, Malmo, Travemünde and Gothenburg. The prices of the ferry connections depend on the season and demand. Current daily prices and departure times of the ferries can be found on our hotline 040 – 64 86 10 26 or by e-mail We would also be happy to help you plan your holiday in Sweden or Norway.